Provides a reliable political feed for readers to become knowledgeable and informed voters on the state political level.
Choose Your Politics, also known as CYP, was created with the sole purpose of fixing some of the problems we have in the United States with electing governing officials. To attempt to fix some of the problems, CYP focuses on doing the following:
Supported | In development |
Utah | Washington |
National Voter Turnout Rates, 1916 - 2016 source:
Washington State 2017 General Election Voter Turnout by County
How CYP Works
CYP works by scraping articles posted by reliable news sources. It takes these articles and analyzes them to determine if they are of value and importance and to who, to what, and where. From this information, CYP matches the article up with senators, house members, governors, ect. Then, after determining that the article has value and to who, what, and where, we run the article through social media platforms. We collect data from these platforms such as likes, shares, comments, mentions, and the rates at which they grow. Our algorithm, based on an extremely simple version drawn from features of Facebooks early Edge Rank, can use the data we found with the article and the data we found when running the article through social media platforms to can create a score for that article in relation to the people, places, and organizations that we found in the first step. This score constantly is changing with variables such as time depreciation and the rise in popularity of the article on social media platforms. Using this score, we present articles for the people, places, organizations, and ideas that the reader seeks more knowledge on. Eliminating the need to seek out informations, because the information is already curated in a simplistic, easy to use and read format.
Supported | In development |
Deseret New | None |
Fox 13 | |
House Democrats | |
KSL | |
KUTV | |
Senate Democrats | |
Senate Site | |
Salt Lake Tribune | |
St George | |
University of Utah Daily Chronicle | |
Utah Political Capital | |
Utah DataPoints | |
Utah Foundation | |
Utah Policy | |
Utah Representatives |
Supported | In development |
Seattle Times | Seattle PI |
The Olympian | Office of Washington State Secratary of State |
Washington State Wire | |
King 5 | |
The News Tribune | |
Washington State Republican Party | |
Washington Democrats | |
KOUW | |
Public News Service | |
Crosscut | |
The Spokesman-Review | |
Washington Education Association | |
The Capitol Record | |
Q13 Fox | |
NW News Network | |
Kitsap Sun |